How does elementUi choose select to choose the value? of the value

as follows, how to get the value value selected by select when sending a request?

        <el-select v-model="team[0].value" size="small">
          <el-option v-for="item in team" :label="item.label" :value="item.value">
      <el-button size="small" @click="onSubmit"></el-button>
      data() {
          return {
            team: [
              value: "allType",
              label: ""
              value: "personage",
              label: ""
            }, {
              value: "group",
              label: ""

this.selected = team[0].value;
The binding value of

v-model is your value value. Add a selectedValue to the data, and then v code model = "selectedValue" .

it is wrong for v-model to bind team [0] .value. You should add a new field in data (), such as selected, and then vMube model = "selected". If you need to set the default value to team [0] .value, you can write:

    return {
        selected: 'allType',
        team: ...

if the team is obtained dynamically, you can get the team and then assign it to selected
