because the back end uses ajax to interact with the front end, it becomes necessary for the back end to write interface documentation. I used to use word to write interface documents, but recently I worked with colleagues to write the back-end, word is not suitable to use svn tools to do Synchronize, because svn, git and so on can not automatically merge word. So I intend to write the document in text format.
first thought of writing in markdown
syntax. markdown Grammar
but one of the most important features of the interface documentation is that there are many interfaces and each interface needs to be numbered (as shown in the following figure).
of course, markdown supports sequence numbers, but the support is not perfect. For example, there can be at most one blank line between the upper and lower sequence numbers, and the blank line cannot write text, so you can only write the interface title, and there is no room to write the content of the interface.
what is the suitable method for writing interface documents? It"s better to be a syntax, not a software
Markdown Preview Plus
Markdown Viewer
these two plug-ins are actually provided for document readers, but document editors do not need them. It all depends on their personal preferences. These two plug-ins have been found in the official chrome market. I wonder if anyone in China has developed plug-ins that have not been transferred to the chrome market