Echarts data length causes bush region selection error bush exception

when the series data data length is less than 3999 (for example, the data aaa), region selection in this article is normal;
when the data length is greater than 3999, such as the data bbb), region selection display exception-coordRange is invalid, always highlight the data range 0-399!

(echarts4 has this stable problem, echarts3 doesn"t seem to have it)
question link

var aaa = [0recovery3.4533091], [0.01memorial3.576411], [0.02maire3.6995106], [29.98 mahogany 0.8418775857]];
var bbb = [0meme3.4533091], [0.01mae3.576411], [0.02jingle 3.6995106], [29.99jinlie0.887758557];

myChart.setOption(option = {
    toolbox: {
        feature: {
            myTool_Select: {
                show: true,
                title: "",
                onclick: function (){
                        type: "brush",
                        areas: [
                                brushType: "lineX",
                                coordRange: [1,20],
                                xAxisIndex: 0
            brush: {
                type: ["lineX", "clear"]
    brush: {
        xAxisIndex: "all",
        brushLink: "all",
        outOfBrush: {
            colorAlpha: 0.1

    grid: [
            left: "10%",
            right: "8%",
            height: "50%"

    xAxis: [
            type: "value",

            min: "dataMin",
            max: "dataMax",


    yAxis: [
            scale: true,


    series: [
            type: "scatter",
            data: bbb,//??????3999aaa;3999bbb--coordRange0-399!!!!
}, true);


Hello, have you solved this problem
