Problems with vue Mobile rendering menu and Top header

ask for help. When I do the top header on the mobile and the tab at the bottom, I intend to render the top tab with permission through permission matching routing. I wonder if this idea is advisable? Then if I take this approach, should I handle it through created, or through mounted, or do I need to do it on other process nodes?
and how can you tell if the header, at the top shows the search on the right, the return on the left, and so on? There is a bit of card owner here at present




you can let the user log in when you enter the page (or judge whether you have logged in according to the local information), and then configure some of your permissions according to the user information returned after login, or just return the information to you from the background, and then save the information for use by later functions. For example,


header defines the component to pass a value


  <div id='default'>



<p v-if="show">

</div> </div> </template> <script> export default { prop: { show: { type: Boolean, default: true } }, data() { return {}; }, created() {}, methods: {} }; </script> <style lang='scss'> </style>


        <sub :show='show'></sub>

import sub from "./sunComponents";
export default {
  data() {
    return {
  created() {},
  methods: {}

<style lang='scss'>

involves user identity and is suitable for global storage. It is recommended to use the Vuex, process as follows:

  1. request the interface to obtain user identity and permission information when starting, and save it in the global variable
  2. The
  3. component integrates this information into computed rendering

as for the back key, it should be judged according to the route, such as the details page returns the list page, the list page returns the home page, and so on.
