Webpack output.publicpath does not work

Business background

< hr >
  • use mpvue to develop Mini Program
  • the domain names of the test environment and the formal environment are different, so the images returned by the server are all relative paths
  • the way it is handled now is
  • configure a global domain name prefix
  • add this global prefix to the image after each request API gets the data
  • after changing the formal environment, you only need to replace the global domain name prefix

sample code

< hr >
export default {
  url: "http://test.com"
page .js
  .then(res => {
    res.img = config.url + res.img;


< hr >

handle the prefix every time you request
feel particularly troublesome


< hr >

learn that publicpath in output of webpack can add prefixes to static resources in batches, but it doesn"t reflect

after trying.
output: {
    path: config.build.assetsRoot,
    filename: "[name].js",
    publicPath: "https://img.codeshelper.com/upload/img/2021/03/21/tsifcahkcnd11661.png">
render result
<image class="_img data-v-04ee3f7a" src="uploads/2010-06-19/3.png"></image>

it seems that there is no processing when packing.


  • Why isn"t publicpath added to the picture path when webpack is packaged?
  • is there any way to add prefixes automatically?

https://webpack.js.org/config. 's official website makes it very clear

publicPath is added to distinguish the path between the server and the client, and to distinguish the files to be processed



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in the browser.
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