Parsing Multi-json? by javascript

1. I now receive a json, on the backstage with a general content like this [{"name": "h", "add": "usa", "good": "[{" comment ":" great "," mem_na ":" a "}]

2. I used the each method to get the data of the first session, but the second one, I don"t know how to get it, connected to the front end, hoping to have a big god busy


    value.forEach((element,index) => {

there is no need for layering. Objects or strings sent from the background are usually converted into objects. If json strings are converted into objects, the internal data can be fetched

@ dablwow80 Big
Sorry, I don't quite understand the example you wrote
I originally used
success: function (response) {

                    $.each(response, function() {
                        var goodList=JSON.parse(this.good);
                        for(var i=0;i<goodList.length;iPP){

but I want to change it to use the each method. I have tried your example, but I still don't quite understand


@ Front-end Wei Qiang, I'm sorry I'm a novice at the front-end, but I don't quite understand what you said.
