VueJs needs to be loaded on the same page and bound to the problem through v-show.

now needs to do operation loading on the same page, considering that router is not necessary, bind it through v-show. On the left side of
is another component, leftbar.vue. Click and route to another page. Click on the left column to refresh.

right column code

  <div class="rightBar">
    <p class="rightBar-nav">
      <a href="-sharp"></a>
      <a href="-sharp">{{ this.$ }}</a>

<div class="newsList-con" v-for="item in news" v-show=" == cate_id & !vshow" :key=""> <dl class="newsList" v-for="item in item.dataList" :key=""> <dt><a href="javascript:;" @click="showNextPage">{{ item.title }}</a></dt> <dd>{{ item.txt }}</dd> </dl> </div> <div class="newsList-child" v-show="vshow"> sss </div> </div> </template> <script> import axios from "axios" export default{ props:["vshow"], data () { return { news: [], ok: false, vshow: false, cate_id: 1 } }, mounted: function () { axios.get("static/data/dataBase.json") .then((res) => { console.log(res) = if (this.$ { this.cate_id = this.$ } }) .catch((err) => { console.log(err) }) }, methods: { showNextPage: function () { this.vshow = !this.vshow } }, watch: { "$route" (to, from) { this.cate_id = this.$ } } } </script>

use v-if try

v-show renders when the page comes in, but it's hidden with the css display:none attribute, and of course it won't refresh.
it is recommended that you check the difference between v-if and v-show

vshow is defined in both your props and data. Is there no warning from the browser
