how do I add text to an object in the browser localSorage instead of replacing it?
how do I add text to an object in the browser localSorage instead of replacing it?
first take it out and merge it in set
localStorage.setItem ("name", "caibin") / / Store the variable with the name caibin
localStorage.getItem ("name") / / caibin, reads the value of the variable named name in the localStorage object
localStorage.removeItem ("name"); / / Delete name
localStorage.clear () / clear the cache
localStorage.setItem("name",localStorage.getItem("name") + "test")
< hr class= "answer"
const appendTextForStorage = storage => (key, value) =>
storage.setItem(key, (storage.getItem(key) || '') + value)
const appendTextForLocalStorage = appendTextForStorage(window.localStorage)
appendTextForLocalStorage('hello', 'world')
appendTextForLocalStorage('hello', 'world2')
// test
console.log(window.localStorage.getItem('hello') === 'worldworld2') // true
I hope my answer will be helpful to you.
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