CSS class name changes compiled by Webpack in React cannot be referenced

intends to use className to refer to the class name in css


import "../styles/button.scss"

function Button(props) {
    return (
            <button className={props.className}>{props.text}</button>

export default function Buttons() {
    return (
            <Button className="button1" text="btn1" />
            <Button className="button2" text="btn2" />
            <Button className="button3" text="btn3" />


.button1 {
    background: rgb(235, 16, 16);

.button2 {
    background: rgb(23, 216, 17);

.button3 {
    background: rgb(13, 81, 207);

you can see the compiled css: through the console of the chrome browser

.button__button1-172qT {
  background: -sharpeb1010; }

.button__button2-1tvBf {
  background: -sharp17d811; }

.button__button3-q4dzw {
  background: -sharp0d51cf; }
The class names of

css have been changed, so you can"t refer to className .classon1 directly in function Button. I know you can solve this problem if you use css module, but can you now use the class name button1 directly without using it in className?


then do not enable css modules in your configuration item.
