When slice is used for file cutting, FileReader is used to get the result error of each cutting element.

1. A large file cutting test is realized by using slice and fileReader. The idea is to segment the files [0] file obtained in the onchange of input type= "file" using files [0] .slice (start,end) according to the size of chunkSize, and instantiate a FileReader object each time in the process of segmentation, listen for onLoad events, and get the corresponding result, result error report after onLoad.
< html >
< head >

<title>This is a test about file</title>

< / head >
< body >

<input type="file" id="myfile" name="myfile" onchange="dealup()"/>
<button onclick="showresult()">Show result</button>

< / body >
< script >

const chunkSize = 10;
var myresult = new Array();
function dealup() {
    var file =document.getElementById("myfile").files[0];
    var chunks = Math.ceil(file.size/chunkSize);
    var filder = new Array(chunks);
    var start = 0,end = 0;
    for(let curindex = 0; curindex < chunks;curindexPP) {
            var tempcell = {
            data: "",
            n: 0
        if(file.size-start <= chunkSize) {
            end = file.size;
        }else {
            end = start + chunkSize;
        console.log(":"+start + " " + end);
        tempcell.n = curindex;
        filder[curindex] = new FileReader();
        filder[curindex].onload = function() {
            console.log(curindex + "-sharp ")
            tempcell.data = filder[curindex].result;
        start = end;
function showresult() {

< / script >
< / html > `

3. Result:


should be the reason for curindexPP twice
