How to make the website visit as fast as this one?

my server just hangs a blank txt document and its access speed is not as fast as his


Brother dei, CDN understand?

the vast majority of resources on the page are static resources. Accelerating static resources with CDN after separation can greatly improve the user's access experience.

this page shows that one is that the capacity is not large ( ctrl-f5 refresh is only 300K). Coupled with the fact that others have used cache headers, static resources are locally cached and will not repeat requests to the server.

enter url to return data to learn about the whole process?

whole optimization process: you can do these things 35 military rules for front-end optimization

back-end, there are a lot of things to do, such as asynchronism, caching, reducing access requests, dynamic scheduling of multiple servers
setting static pages, nginx, and so on.

optimize the web server to use the cache

how is your server network?

  1. is the server a domestic host?
  2. what is the server bandwidth?

means that your server cannot

spend more money, use high bandwidth, and improve server performance

you can simply use site-wide cache + cdn to improve server performance.

first of all, CDN is the easiest way;
second, you need to locate the real reason for slow access. The operator to which the server belongs, the operator in which you tested the access (domestic cross-operator access will be relatively slow), server bandwidth?
you can use 17ce and webmaster tools to test how different operators across the country visit your website resources. How long did it take to parse / establish the connection / first byte / response time respectively. Only then can we "prescribe the right medicine to the case".
