How vue cooperates with background staff to develop

recently developed a background project using vue-cli. Found some problems, would like to consult the great gods.
Let"s talk about the environment first. The front end uses vue, vuex, vue-router, vue-resource, element-ui. These are the main things. Secondly, I also added jquery (it seems that vue does not need jquery, but it is still used in some places. I mainly use it to find elements. Maybe there is a problem with my use of vue. You can say that you use native js, but I am not familiar with native js). ThinkPHP is used in the back end, and the rest is omitted. The backend (there is also a routing management) gives me a packaged address (folder | that is, one of their routing addresses). I put the packaged file in the directory where src is placed, and the index in the file will output some PHP variables (as permission control, user information, etc., in fact, I want a second-level domain name to request his variable information at the beginning of the program). That"s all. I don"t know if there are any other development models, or if you have what you think is the best development model, please don"t be stingy in the comments.
now we are faced with a problem. It is very inconvenient to develop in this way. I adjust that sometimes there is no data (you may say that you can simulate data. Here, I will say that the data requested by simulation is inconvenient and unrealistic. In many cases, I don"t know what the data is like, what is the name of the field? ). There is no corresponding processing page for the background call (it is also impossible for the background to write the code correctly at once, depending on the difficulty of data debugging). There will be a problem, the development of both ends of the docking debugging is very troublesome. The development efficiency is very low.
if I am not clear, you can @ me.
Thank you for taking the time to read my question and wish you all a happy life.


the front and rear ends are usually carried out at the same time, otherwise it will be a waste of time

you may say that you can simulate the data, but here I will say that the data requested by the simulation is not convenient and not very realistic. In many cases, I don't know what the data is like, what is the name of the field?

didn't you subscribe the interface and field name at the beginning of the project? I will only take the experience of our company as an example. When a project is started, the interfaces and fields are set first, and then added in the development process where there are inevitable omissions. Mock yourself when your page is finished, or there will be nothing to do during this period of time when you wait for the background interface to be good.

background call does not have a corresponding processing page (it is impossible for the background to write the code correctly at once, depending on the difficulty of data debugging)

I don't know what this means. I don't think you can use your page to write the interface in the background. don't you have a prototype map?

axios learn about

read your question.
personal suggestions are as follows.

1. Separation of front and rear ends :

the front and rear ends are separated, so that the front and rear ends each manage their own code base. It is convenient to deploy separately and separate from each other.

2. Agree on the format of the interface in advance and agree on the simulation data

before the requirements enter the development, you must agree on the format of the interface, as well as the simulation data. When you develop docking without data, you can simulate it yourself according to the previously agreed format. It is convenient to use Yapi .
