Vue element ui el-radio-group automatically selects bug, 's very strange mysterious bug.

when I make changes to a form, the option from the background is automatically filled in by v-modle.

something strange has happened! For the same code, one can be selected automatically, but not the other

<el-radio-group v-model="gender" @change="handleGender">
       <el-radio-button v-for="x,key in att.gender" :key=key :label=x.value >{{x.label}}</el-radio-button>

<el-radio-group v-model="chinese" @change="handleSpeakChinese">
       <el-radio-button v-for  ="x,key in att.chinese" :key=key :label=x.label></el-radio-button>


look at the pictures, all v-model have value! Why is one selected and the other not!

paste the js code. The value of two v-model bindings should be questionably set by the default value of model.

the value of chinese is obviously not in the att.chinese array
