Vue vuex mapState created execution order

  :localStorage.setItem("articles", JSON.stringify(articles))
computed: {
        var currentId = parseInt(this.$;
        this.currentArticle = this.articles.filter((item)=>{
        return === currentId   
        this.isCollected = this.currentArticle[0].isCollected;
        this.collectNum = this.currentArticle[0].collectNum;
state.js:  articles:localStorage["articles"]?JSON.parse(localStorage["articles"]): []

after entering component A, call the API, request the data back, save it in localStorage, click the route to jump to component B, why is this.articles [] in created (), there is no data on the page? when I enter component B, I refresh the page again and then have the data. Is there a problem with the execution sequence of computed () and created () in it? How to solve this problem?


created the $store of vuex is already bound to the vue instance when the beforeCreate hook is triggered (exactly $store is bound to the vue instance when the beforeCreate hook is triggered).

I think there are two possible problems:

  1. after the asynchronous request data is returned, it is only saved to localStorage , not to vuex .
    because state of vuex is initialized only once
    only articles:localStorage ["articles"]? JSON.parse (localStorage ["articles"]): [] is not enough. Article in state should be reassigned after the request is returned.
  2. When
  3. jumps to B, the asynchronous request has not yet been returned, so the data in vuex is naturally not updated.