How does js calculate how many minutes have elapsed from one time to another?

how does js calculate how many minutes have elapsed from one time to another

for example,

  var maxtime ="2018-07-04 13:42:00";
  var mintime = "2018-07-04 00:00:00";

how many minutes are there between maxtime and mintime?


two ways of thinking:
1 counts as a difference of several hours, minutes and seconds
2: all convert to s and then subtract.

the actual development of the project is recommended to adopt moment.js

< hr >

it's not easy to answer. Remember to adopt

if you think it's useful.
var maxtime ="2018-07-04 13:42:00";
var mintime = "2018-07-04 00:00:00";
var b = Date.parse(mintime);
var e = Date.parse(maxtime);
var minutes = Math.round((e - b) / 60 / 1000);

var ms = new Date(maxtime).getTime()-new Date(mintime).getTime()
var minute = ms/1000/60


var d1 = new Date('2016/03/28 10:17:22');
var d2 = new Date('2016/03/28 11:17:22');
console.log(parseInt(d2 - d1));//
console.log(parseInt(d2 - d1) / 1000);//
console.log(parseInt(d2 - d1) / 6000 );//
console.log(parseInt(d2 - d1) / 3600000 );//