EasyUi cannot be loaded dynamically

1. A section of the page is written in js when the change event is dynamically loaded, the page is directly stitched into the, html (), and the easyUi style of the spliced page is not loaded.
2. In the code, $.parser.parse ($("- sharpcondition-range"). Parent ());) is a reload method for web queries, but trying multiple ID doesn"t work. The
code is as follows:
/ / change type

function changeType() {
    var conditionRangeHtml = "";
    var conditionFieldHtml = "";
    if($("-sharpsearch-type").combobox("getValue") == 1) {
        conditionRangeHtml += "<lable>:>=</lable>";
        conditionRangeHtml += "<input type="text" class="easyui-numberspinner" style="height: 22px;width: 60px;" id="min" value="50" />";
        conditionFieldHtml += "<lable>:</lable><select id="statistics-date" style="width:80px;" class="easyui-combobox" labelPosition="top" data-options="editable:false,panelHeight:";
        conditionFieldHtml += ""60px""
        conditionFieldHtml += "">";
        conditionFieldHtml += "<option value="PRE_Time_0808" selected="selected">08-08</option><option value="PRE_Time_0820">08-20</option><option value="PRE_Time_2008">20-08</option><option value="PRE_Time_2020">20-20</option></select>";
        zName = "";
    } else {
        conditionRangeHtml += "<lable>:</lable>";
        conditionRangeHtml += "<input type="text" class="easyui-numberspinner" style="height: 22px;width: 60px;" id="min" value="20" />-";
        conditionRangeHtml += "<input type="text" class="easyui-numberspinner" style="height: 22px;width: 60px;" id="max" value="35" />";
        conditionFieldHtml += "<lable>:</lable><select id="statistics-date" style="width:80px;" class="easyui-combobox" labelPosition="top" data-options="editable:false,panelHeight:";
        conditionFieldHtml += ""60px""
        conditionFieldHtml += "">";
        conditionFieldHtml += "<option value="TEM_Max" selected="selected"></option><option value="TEM_Min"></option><option value="TEM_Avg"></option>";
        zName = "";


you got it wrong:
$("- sharpcondition-range") .html (conditionRangeHtml);
$("- sharpcondition-field") .html (conditionFieldHtml);
$.parser.parse ($('- sharpcondition-range'). Parent ());
$.parser.parse) ($('- sharpstatistics-date'). Parent ());
) is added to the page first, and then use $.parser.parse to load the easyui style.
