How does the address passed to the front-end page from the background remain the same when the page is refreshed?

CI frame, page B is opened by clicking on the link on page A. Page B is divided into three parts, the top is the menu, and the middle is the iframe, and the bottom is the information at the bottom of the page. After the
A page clicks on the link, it passes the address of the clicked link to the controller, calls the method, and then passes the address to iframe, on page B to display the content.
now if you want to refresh the page after clicking on the refresh of the browser or pressing F5, it cannot be displayed correctly at this time, because no parameters are passed to the method in the controller during the refresh. What should I do at this time?

one is when you expose the parameters to the parent address bar and save them. Read the address bar parameters each time you refresh. Second, you save it in sessionStorage and get the assignment each time you refresh it.

when you get the parameters, use the following to save them in sessionStorage.

sessionStorage.setItem("data", )

when users refresh and re-enter the page, use sessionStorage.getItem ("data") to get the stored value and call it directly.
