Python rookie, can't transfer Javascript program to python, please?

1. I am just a beginner of python, website content crawling classics processing as follows, temporarily do not understand Javascript, please help!

$(function () {

$(".port-box")["each"](function(wssP1, fnDKXroKU2) {
    var ClpoEy3 = $(fnDKXroKU2);
    var TO5 = window["parseInt"](ClpoEy3["data"]("i"));
    var jgemfCG4 = ClpoEy3["data"]("ip");
    var tVF6 = jgemfCG4["split"](".");
    for (var d7 = 0; d7 < tVF6["length"]; d7PP) {
        TO5 -= window["parseInt"](tVF6[d7])


2. Ask the big shot to help transfer the Javascript program to python.
III. Content of the original website

because the page has JS, you need to explain JS before you can crawl with PYTHON.
class= "port-box" > 17236 < / td >
the number after "port-box" is calculated by JS,.


JS to Python?
if it is a crawler, it should directly use python to obtain web page data, why write JS to Python?
