How does cordova package app, elegantly add an ad page after the home animation?

premise :


project is packaged into apk using cordova , and the plug-in cordova-plugin-splashscreen is used to do the app startup animation. This step has been implemented.


effect 1:

I have seen a lot of app, such as NetEase app , there are three stages, as follows:



when starting app

3, the advertisement disappears automatically or clicks to skip to the home page, but clicking on the ad will jump to the ad page.

I only achieved the first effect with the packaged app myself. How can I achieve the second and third effects?

or provide some ideas, thank you!


plug-in cordova-plugin-splashscreen the default effect is that it disappears automatically after the countdown of the home icon ends (or can other effects be supported by fading out fade),? Or the home page picture disappears to the left and the app home page is loaded from left to right?

  1. find plug-ins
  2. encapsulate the plug-in in java/object-c/swift if you can't find it

add an ad mask to the front entrance page, and use v-if to control the display

    <div id="app">
        <adsense  v-if="showAdsense"></adsense>
        <router-view />

Hello, have you solved your problem? I have the same need now
