use tp5 to write a pageview function, each page refresh on + 1, offline local test is normal, put online, using the server"s browser test is also + 1, offline access online is changed to each refresh + 4, with static variable test results executed only once, exclusion code Bug, where is the problem?
attach code:
* +1
public function detail($id="",$browse=true,$sql=false)
if (empty($id)) goto end;
$data = $this->alias("a","left")
->field(",a.tid,a.title,a.keyword,a.introduce,a.content,a.img,a.addtime,a.browse, user_name, type_name")
->join("tags t","","left")
->join("user u","","left")
// dp($this->getLastSql());
if (true == $sql) return $this->getLastSql();
if (empty($data)) return null;
if (true == $browse) $this->where("id",$data["id"])->setInc("browse");
$data = $data->toArray();
$data["user_name"] ? : $data["user_name"] = "admin";
return $this->cotm($data);
this is the only operation in which the code for browsing + 1 is written
if (true = = $browse) $this- > where ("id",$data [" id"])-> setInc ("browse");
found the reason. I looked at the log and found that the program was executed four times
but why was it executed four times?