I would like to ask the drop-down menu in the element table, how to bind the checkbox with the return big data? The data is returned from the background, and the value of option,radio is bound according to the background data.


I've tried using elemntui in the drop-down box, but I don't recommend this
< select class= "select-long" @ change= "languageSelect ($event)" name = "language" v language model = "language" >

<option value=""></option>
<option value=""></option>
<option value=""></option>
<option value=""></option>

< / select >

what the background returns to me is directly the value of the drop-down box, not the id

written in my table table.

2. The value of the drop-down box
didn't the background give you isSnap already? According to this, you can judge whether to choose or not. I see that's what you wrote. You don't know how to choose. Haha, you can look at how to add style and write one yourself. That's how my previous project was written
