Can PhpStorm set the default annotation effect?

problem description
1. Can PhpStorm set the default annotation effect? That is, directly using the shortcut keys to appear the following kind of annotation effect, can it be achieved?

/***********   ***********/
$data = $this->params;
/***********   ***********/
$user_name_type = $this->check_username($data["user_name"]);

2. And how to set the function comment template?


you can make file header comments and function header comments. Press / * * + enter to display the default comment. If you want to modify it, you need to modify the configuration:


for example, my file header comment configuration:

 * Copyright (C), 1993-~, Dacelve. Tech., Ltd.
 * FileName : ${FILE_NAME}
 * Author   : Lizhijian
 * Version  : 1.0
 * Date     : ${DATE} ${TIME}
 * Description   : 
 * Main Function : 
 * History  :  
 * <author>    <time>    <version >    <desc>
 * Lizhijian   ${DATE}   1.0          init

function header comment configuration:

-sharpif (${TYPE_HINT} != "void") * @return ${TYPE_HINT}-sharpend

 * @example  
 * @author Lizhijian
 * @since ${DATE} ${TIME}    

JS header comment configuration:

@author Lizhijian
-sharpif (${TYPE_HINT} != "void") * @return ${TYPE_HINT}-sharpend

 * @example  

but, as the landlord said, it is estimated that it is impossible to comment in front of the ordinary code
