In, how to reset the paging to the first page when the data changes?

problem description

when RT: recently used antd, there is a table on the page. The following is the paging that comes with it. When a button is clicked, the data of the form is updated, but the paging button does not return to the first page and remains in the previous position


the figure is as follows:




react-router v4 url





data is switched, but the paging is still on page 2 .

Ultimate question:

to put it this way, it means that in react, when we do an operation, this returns the component to its original state.
if you can, use the above example to analyze it.
Thank you
for being tired.

thanks for the invitation. Table supports pagination interface. You need to add the pagination attribute to state and control it, and then pass it to table props. After updating the data, classify pagination.current as 1 . The description of this document is indeed a little vague, and it took several times to understand it at that time.

if you don't post the code, shall we help you fix it

encounter the same problem? how do you solve it
