Js. Button button problem

recently encountered a JS problem in the self-learning Django framework. I don"t know whether it is because the browser does not support it or whether it is written by its own code

Please take a look at
html code

    <p class="text-right">
        <button id="add_column" onclick="add_column()" class="btn btn-primary"> add column </button>

JS Code

<script type="text/javascirpt" src="{% static "js/jquery.js" %}"></script>
<script type="text/javascirpt" src="{% static "js/layer.js" %}"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
    function add_column(){
        var index = layer.open({
            type: 1,
            skin: "layui-layer-rim",
            area: ["400px","200px"],
            title: "",
            content: "<div class="text-center" style="margin-top:20px">

<input type="text">

</div>", btn: ["",""], yes: function(index, layero){ column_name = $("-sharpid_column").val(); alert(column_name); }, btn2: function(index, layero){ layer.close(index); } }); } </script>

error message



it should be your static resource layer.js loading problem. Check the browser's network to see if jquery and layer have loaded successfully.


is similar to the one upstairs to see if Sources has loaded layer.js into it

layer.js has not been successfully introduced. Check carefully whether the path is correct.
