An error occurred during packaging when using the directive-photoswipe plug-in in vue

ERROR in static/js/vendor.3f874bf7dde9e4503ffb.js from UglifyJs
Unexpected character"`. / node_modules/_directive-photoswipe@0.0.2@directive-photoswipe/src/index.js:14,0

Build failed with errors.

npm err! Code ELIFECYCLE
npm err! Errno 1
npm err! Pingan@1.0.0 build: node build/build.js
npm err! Exit status 1
npm err!
npm err! Failed at the pingan@1.0.0 build script.
npm err! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.

npm err! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm err! C:Usersz9764AppDataRoamingnpm-cache_logs2018-07-10T09_29_20_595Z-debug.log-sharp-sharp-sharp problem description

the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried

requirements: on the mobile side, picture viewing is implemented. Function: you can zoom in and out
background: at that time, you found in cnpm that directive-photoswipe, operates according to the instructions on the document (with directive-photoswipe address: method that
has tried: install packages such as babel-es2015, change the configuration of the project, etc.). I also contacted the plug-in author,
author"s answer: I can correctly package you in the local test you try to update directive-photoswipe to 0.0.3 and try again.
but the final result is very helpless and still report an error.
I believe that you will encounter the function of viewing pictures when doing mobile projects. I put forward this question and hope that you can help solve this problem, which can help more people


sources of topics and their own ideas

it says your plug-in directive-photoswipe
Don't introduce this and try build again
