Swiper.js sliding Times error

swiper.js 3.0
report this error while slipping:

VM2191:16 Uncaught TypeError: Failed to execute "getComputedStyle" on "Window": parameter 1 is not of type "Element".
   at t.v.getTranslate (eval at globalEval (jquery.min.js?v=v1_201807:2), <anonymous>:16:2156)
   at t.v.getWrapperTranslate (eval at globalEval (jquery.min.js?v=v1_201807:2), <anonymous>:16:2723)
   at HTMLDocument.v.onTouchMove (eval at globalEval (jquery.min.js?v=v1_201807:2), <anonymous>:15:25370)


var mySwiper = new Swiper (".swiper-container", {
           pagination: null,
            slidesPerView: "auto",
            paginationClickable: true,
            spaceBetween: 0,
            freeMode: true,
            resistanceRatio: 0.5
        }) ;

@ SomeThinkings
is because our receptionist initialized other swiper plug-ins with .swiper-container style in one of the js files when they gave it to me.
I made another initial statement in my own code, so I reported it wrong.

has the problem been solved? Can you explain?
