Does php show the second jsonObject problem?

I can use $data- > {"msg"} to print the value of the first item, such as msg
, but if I want to print the second letter, how do I write it? For example, I want to print the bin_code of card_info

    "status": 0,
    "msg": "Success",
    "amount": 100,
    "acquirer": "xxx",
    "currency": "xxx",
    "rec_trade_id": "xxx",
    "bank_transaction_id": "xxx",
    "order_number": "",
    "auth_code": "xxx",
    "card_info": {
        "issuer": "JxxA",
        "funding": 0,
        "type": 1,
        "level": "",
        "country": "xx x",
        "last_four": "x",
        "bin_code": "x",
        "country_code": "x"
    "transaction_time_millis": 1531387581490,
    "bank_transaction_time": {
        "start_time_millis": "1531387581528",
        "end_time_millis": "1531387581528"
    "bank_result_code": "0",
    "bank_result_msg": ""

he"s not array, so my way doesn"t work at all. =


this is the json structure. Parse it into an array structure, and then get it.

$array = json_decode($json, true);
$bin_code = $array['card_info']['bin_code'];