Vue routing encounters a strange problem in IE10

after I push to a page, I can"t click on all the links, and I don"t have that style. I don"t know if it"s the plug-in problem of the swal pop-up box that I used or why, and when I"m running it locally, IE10 can"t run the project directly in a blank package, but it can be run on the server after it is packaged, but it appears after push to a page. All problems that cannot be linked must be manually refreshed before you can click IE10 and the following versions are this problem.

just confirmed that there is a problem with the swal plug-in, but I don"t know how to solve it

swal ({

      title: "",
      text: "",
      button: {
        text: ""
    }).then(() => {
      this.$router.push({name: "accountManage"})

do you have demo, or post online links.

how do you solve it?
