refers to an example. After background processing, I return the value as follows:
JSON json = JSONSerializer.toJSON(new JsonResult<ResumeVO>(0, "!", resumeVO));
return json.toString();
in this way, if the returned entity contains a value of type Date or Timestamp, it will be displayed at the front end as follows:
"birthday": {
"date": 26,
"hours": 0,
"seconds": 0,
"month": 5,
"timezoneOffset": -480,
"year": 96,
"minutes": 0,
"time": 835718400000,
"day": 3
has anyone ever used this tool class, ah, why is it still displayed in the form of yyyy-MM-dd?
(@ JsonFormat is useless. Changing it to a string type is useful, but it won"t take a lot of effort to change it now.)