Vue eslint indent detection problem


it will not be reported and displayed correctly. No matter how I configure indent in my rules, it will not solve the indentation problem under the script tag! ESLINT3 doesn"t have this problem, but eslint 4 does!


I set the top box for formatting directly in WebStorm




vue project, just set this

eslint is configured with 2 space indentation rules, you here are 4 space indentation, you reported an error

excuse me, has this problem been solved? I met it, too. I don't know how to solve it!

I have the same problem. Because when using quick formatting code with webStorm, the first line under < script > will automatically indent 2 squares, while eslint will think this is an error.

I have found a solution to this problem, which is to upgrade your eslint-loader vue-cli build using version 1.7.1 of eslint-loader. This problem will not occur when I upgrade to 1.9.0. It is suggested that you can try
