logstash analysis log.
the log is as follows:
2018-07-19 14:02:12.577|INFO |[164acb702b5-12] - crmlog|1234567890|118|0|!|263|xxxx
logstash is configured as follows
input {
file {
path => [ "xxxx\log.txt" ]
start_position => beginning
type => "crm"
codec => plain { charset => "UTF-8" }
match => {
"message" => "(?<orderDate>%{YEAR:year}\-%{MONTH:month}\-%{DAY:day}%{TIME:time}\.%{INT:int})\|%{WORD:level}\|\[%{USER:pid}\]\-%{WORD:logType}\|%{USER:num}\|%{INT:operation}\|%{INT:result}\|%{DATA:resultmessage}\|%{INT:time}\|%{USER:operator}"
output to elasticsearch, check in kibana, only:
"message": """2018-07-19 13:40:02.057|INFO |[164acb5f03b-28] - crmlog|1234567890|105|11100007|\xD3\u{B2EF4}\xE6\xD4\xF2\xD2\xD1\xCF\xFA|8|xxxx\r""",
without enumerating all the fields, the effect is like this:
"orderDate":2018-07-19 13:40:02.057,
there are also garbled codes in Chinese.
Please T ^ T.