load Baidu map, click A, create a div, on Baidu map and drag A point to the map?
I thought it was the layer problem, but I changed the layer, but it didn"t work. Ladies and Gods, take a look.
![var pt = new BMap.Point(data\[i\].longitude,data\[i\].latitude);
var myIcon = new BMap.Icon("${ctxPath}/static/img/.png", new BMap.Size(100,50));
var modemData = data\[i\];
var opts = {
width : 100, //
height: 50, //
title : data\[i\].siteName, //
var infoWindow = new BMap.InfoWindow(data\[i\].ip, opts); //
var marker = new BMap.Marker(point,{icon:myIcon});