The problem of variable splicing in vue data

                successData1: [],
                failData1: [],
                dataTime1: {},

                successData2: [],
                failData2: [],
                dataTime2: {},

                successData3: [],
                failData3: [],
                dataTime3: {},

                successData4: [],
                failData4: [],
                dataTime4: {}
                        let dataModel = (id, i) => {
                            let j=i+1
                            echarts.init(document.getElementById(id + i)).setOption({
                                tooltip: {
                                    trigger: "axis",
                                    axisPointer: {            
                                        type: "shadow"     
                                legend: {
                                    data: ["", ""]
                                grid: {
                                    left: "3%",
                                    right: "4%",
                                    bottom: "3%",
                                    containLabel: true
                                yAxis: {
                                    type: "value"
                                xAxis: {
                                    type: "category",
                                    data: this.dataTime+j[i]   <----
                                series: [
                                        name: "",
                                        type: "bar",
                                        stack: "",
                                        label: {
                                            normal: {
                                                show: true,
                                                position: "insideRight"
                                        data:this."successData"+j[i] <----
                                        name: "",
                                        type: "bar",
                                        stack: "",
                                        label: {
                                            normal: {
                                                show: true,
                                                position: "insideRight"
                                        data: `this.failData${j}[${i}]` <----
             for (let i = 0; i < this.channelInfoSave.length; iPP) {
                  dataModel ("XXXid",i)

since there are several similar diagrams, I came up with a method independently, but how do you spell this variable? None of the attempts I wrote above are correct


data: this['successData'+j][i]

use template string

data: this[`successData${j}`][i]

since there are similar diagrams, why don't you write them as components reference

splice like this:


it is recommended to have a good understanding of the basics of js and the template string of es6.

I hope my answer can help you, thank you.
