How to associate the same project to github and gitee

Today, when the push project arrives at github, it reports an error OpenSSL SSL_read: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL
and the efficiency is very slow. Finding a lot of methods has not solved
, so you are going to upload it to gitee backup
first. How can the same project be associated with gitee and github? at the same time?


when you add github remote warehouse, you execute git remote add origin < your github warehouse address > , if you want to add to gitee, you can execute git remote add < gitee remote warehouse name > < your gitee warehouse address > .
execute git remote-v to view the remote repositories associated with the project.
execute git push < remote warehouse name > < branch name > push to the remote warehouse.

  1. add github

git remote add origin

  1. add oschina

git remote add oschina

  1. add Ali Cloud

git remote add aliyun
