Vue tree components cannot use getCheckedNodes in for loops

< li v itemList = "(item,i) in satisfyLabels" class= "itemList": key= "I" >

    <span v-if="item.condition && item.condition.conditionType=="MUlTI_NEST"" class="treeLong">
          <Tree :data="item.values | toTree"   @on-check-change="changeTree" show-checkbox class="treeInner"></Tree>
    <span v-if="item.condition && item.condition.conditionType=="NUM_RANGE"">
         <Input  placeholder=""  style="width: 100px" v-model="item.value[0]" @on-keyup="changeRangeFront(item.value)" @on-blur="stopTime"></Input> -
         <Input  placeholder=""  style="width: 100px" v-model="item.value[1]"  @on-keyup="changeRangeFront(item.value)" @on-blur="stopTime"></Input>
    <span v-if="item.condition && item.condition.conditionType=="MUlTI"">
        <Select v-model="item.value" multiple @on-change="changeSelMulity">
            <Option v-for="itemC in item.values" :value="itemC.configValue" :key="">{{ itemC.configName }}</Option>


determine the type in the loop and see if there may be multiple tree, after it is shown as a tree, loop. How do you get the selected node of each tree at the time of submission? Please take a look at it


later found that the parameter
@ check= "(vdepartment check) = > {changeTree (vforce check)}"
"for the method with default parameters, the default parameter can directly return the selected node, assign the node to an attribute of item, and you can get the selected node of each tree menu
