Vue asyncComponent asynchronously loading routing parameters such as delay is invalid?


code is as follows. I want to load the route lazily, but I can carry out the prompt in the process of loading. Follow the prompt on the official website, but delay has no effect
route loading:

    path: "/Me",
    name: "Me",
    //component: r => import("@/views/loading/loadable")
    component:  asyncComponent()

asyncComponent function:
import LoadingComponent from"@ / views/loading/index.vue"
import errorCom from"@ / views/loading/error"
export default (asyncComponent) = > {

const Com= function(){
    let a = {
        component: require("@/views/Me"),
        loading: LoadingComponent,
        error: errorCom,
        delay: 2000
    return a
return {
    render: function (h) {
        return h(Com, {})



has this problem been solved? I have also encountered this problem. The factory function is valid when it is put into the component, but as a route, it does not produce loading effect

component: () = > asyncComponent ()
