How the vue countdown shows up as NAN on browsers in the ie kernel.

it can be displayed normally in other browsers, only the NAN in the ie kernel.
< template >


< / template >

< script >
export default {
data () {

   return {
       time : "",
       flag : false

mounted () {

let time = setInterval(()=>{
  if(this.flag == true){

props: {

   endTime : {
       type : String

methods: {

   timeDown () {
       const endTime = new Date(this.endTime)
       const nowTime = new Date();
       let leftTime = parseInt((endTime.getTime()-nowTime.getTime())/1000)
       let d = parseInt(leftTime/(24*60*60))
       let h = this.formate(parseInt(leftTime/(60*60)%24))
       let m = this.formate(parseInt(leftTime/60%60))
       let s = this.formate(parseInt(leftTime%60))
       if(leftTime <= 0){
           this.flag = true
       this.time = `${d}${h}${m}${s}`
   formate (time) {
           return time
           return `0${time}`

< / script >

above is the js of processing time

this is the time format returned by the background
"2018-08-08 09:13:14"


add let _ this = this; to the first line of the timeDown function, and all the following this are replaced by _ this .

const endTime = new Date(this.endTime.replace(/-/g, '\/'))

const endTime= new Date (this.endTime) IE does not support this conversion
change to
const endTime= new Date (yyyy,MM,dd,hh,mm,ss)
to convert

ie does not support 2018-08-08 09:13:14 this format
supports 2018-08-08 09:13:14
