Can you bind an attribute of the model by `< Input v input1' model = "formRight ['input1']" > < / Input >`?

I have a Form group that binds a model: of formRight

<Form :model="formRight" label-position="right" :label-width="100">
    <FormItem label="Title">
        <Input v-model="formRight.input1"></Input>
    <FormItem label="Title name">
        <Input v-model="formRight.input2"></Input>
    <FormItem label="Aligned title">
        <Input v-model="formRight.input3"></Input>

fromRight is like this:

formRight = {
  input1: "",
  input2: "",
  input3: ""

We bind in < Input > as follows:

<Input v-model="formRight.input1"></Input> 

can you bind here like this:

 <Input v-model="formRight["input1"]"></Input>    


. Instead of asking, don't you have the answer if you actually try it? it's good to have ideas
