Ele table loop rendering ele select page super stutter

as the title

the code is as follows

            <template slot-scope="scope">

                <el-tooltip content="" placement="bottom" effect="light"
                            :disabled="scope.row.approvalState == "agree"?false:true">

                    <el-select v-model="scope.row.task"
                               placeholder="" size="mini"
                               :disabled="scope.row.approvalState == "agree"?true:false">
                        <el-option v-for="item in scope.row.Tasks" :key="item.label"



do you want to edit directly on the current line?
otherwise, do not do this line editing operation, or slightly optimize it, for example:
dynamic paging to reduce the number of lines;
reduce nesting, remove tooptip;
when select is disable, there is no need to cycle option, and you can't click anyway, or simply use input;
task to delay loading the drop-down

if it's the same.

< el-select VMI model = "defaultvalueItem.dest" class= "captive-mix-select" @ change= "changeAuthSelect (index, indexRow)" ref= "selectItem" >

                            <el-option v-for="val in destValues" :key="val.value" :value="val.value" :label="$t(description + val.key)"></el-option>

I have the same problem: destValues is 4, but there is also a loop outside el-select; so there may be multiple el-select

is a bit slow; do you have an optimization method? if you use el-input-number, can you post your code

I use el-input-number instead of el-select stutter is significantly reduced. Do you want me to post the code?
