Predis ERR unknown command 'EVAL'

laravel version: 5.5.36
redis version: 3.06
when I refer to predis in a laravel project, I have no problem in the local windows environment, but I have a problem in the production environment.
my code is as follows:

    public function getPhoneCode()
        Cache::rememberForever("getAllPhoneCodeMultiViewData", function () {
            return Area::where("status", 1)
                ->whereIn("level", [2, 3])
                ->orderBy("pinyin", "asc")
                ->get(["id", "english_name", "chinese_name", "iso2", "area_phone_number", "pinyin"]);

        return Cache::get("getAllPhoneCodeMultiViewData");

the cache configuration uses the redis, production environment to report errors as follows:
message=ERR unknown command "EVAL"

class: "PredisClient"
file: "/ bcc/production/BCCKidV1.0/vendor/predis/predis/src/Client.php"
function: "onErrorResponse"
line: 335
type: "- >"

excuse me, what"s going on? My redis is on 2.6

For the problem of

low version of redis, there is no eval command

Hello, has this problem been solved? I also encountered this problem. If I solve it and ask for help

I also have this problem, which is the reason for the redis cluster.
1, the config/queue.php file connections.redis.queue is changed to'{default}'
2, and the queue is also added with {}
php artisan queue:listen-- queue= {high}, {default}, {low}-- sleep=3-- tries=3-- timeout=0
