Amap api, is quoted in the project to add a click event to the dot tag, and there is no response or error
create point tag code:
var marker = new AMap.Marker ({/ / coordinate graph
icon: icon,//24px*26px
position: vue.customer [I] .position,
title: vue.customer [I] .name,
zIndex: 200,
clickable: true,
map: map
new AMap.Marker ({/ / coordinate name
content: "< div class="custom" >" + vue.customer [I] .name + "< / div >",
position: vue.customer [I] .position,
offset: new AMap.Pixel (0,0),
zIndex: 200,
map: map
add click events to point tags
AMap.event.addListener (marker, "click", function () {
console.log ("1111");
after running, the click does not respond or report an error, and the breakpoint shows that there is no entry method