Vue non-parent-child components pass values

problem description



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related codes

/ / Please paste the code text below (do not replace the code with pictures)

        <cell title="" is-link @click.native="popup_show" v-model="members.aOccupationType"></cell>

< div v-transfer-dom >

  <popup v-model="show4">
    <popup-header right-text="" title="" :show-bottom-border="false" @on-click-left="show1 = false" 
    <picker :data="occuPationTypes" v-model="members.aOccupationType" :show-name="true" :columns="1" @on-change="change"></picker>
    <span style="line-height:0.85rem;font-size:0.6rem;"><strong style="padding-left:0.6rem;font-weight:normal;"> 11</strong><grid
          class="occupation" :show-lr-borders="false" :show-vertical-dividers="false"><grid-item link="/members/moreimg"
                                                                                                 style="color: -sharp458CF5;

what result do you expect? What is the error message actually seen?

what should be displayed normally in the box of occupation category should be the first category and the second category.
the confusion now is that I don"t know how to write so that the values in the cell box are displayed normally and ask for advice. Thank you


parent-child components pass values. You can refer to this
Vue component communication depth

you can write a filter filter. Convert ['4'] to

I don't understand what you're asking.
do you want to ask how to get the expected string or the vue parent-child component communication value
if it's a communication value, you can use event bus or vuex or go to localstorage to get
if you get the expected character vue filter or change event map, a new value is returned to you. The v-model of cell

you can add the titlet corresponding to the type in it to an array. Then add: titles.sync= "" to the component when you use it. I have encountered problems like you before. I hope it will be helpful to you
