the following figure shows the web page code:
climb out through python, but can"t handle it with Javascript,.
Javascript decrypts it as follows:
$(function () {
$(".port-box")["each"](function(wssP1, fnDKXroKU2) {
var ClpoEy3 = $(fnDKXroKU2);
var jgemfCG4 = ClpoEy3["data"]("ip");
var TO5 = window["parseInt"](ClpoEy3["data"]("i"));
var tVF6 = jgemfCG4["split"](".");
for (var d7 = 0; d7 < tVF6["length"]; d7PP) {
TO5 -= window["parseInt"](tVF6[d7])
ask the big shot to take a look. What is the expression? Thank you!