MaxAsyncRequests doesn't understand the configuration item in splitchunks in webpack4. Has anyone tried it?

recently when using webpack4
to configure maxAsyncRequests, I have tried many times and still don"t understand what it means. I thought it would merge when the maximum number of chunk loaded in asynchronism exceeds? The code is as follows:
entry: {

pageA: "./pageA", // utility1.js  utility2.js    

optimization: {

splitChunks: {
  maxAsyncRequests: 3,
  cacheGroups: {
    commons: {
      chunks: "all",
      minChunks: 1,
      maxInitialRequests: 1, // The default limit is too small to showcase the effect
      maxAsyncRequests: 3,
      minSize: 0,// This is example is too small to create commons chunks,
    import("./pageE").then(common => {
 var utility1 = require("./utility1");
 var utility2= require("./utility2");
 var utility3 = require("./utility3");

in webpack4, the maxAsyncRequests option of splitChunks refers to the maximum number of parallel requests when loading on demand. My understanding should be related to the maximum number of concurrent requests of the browser under the same domain name. Take chrome browser as an example, the maximum number of concurrent requests under the same domain name is 6. The official reference value given by webpack is: maxAsyncRequests is 5. Magneto. MaxInitialRequests is 3. Therefore, just use the default, generally do not have to configure. Of course, if maxAsyncRequests is set to 10, there may be unexpected results. I've come across strange situations where browsers get stuttered and don't respond to any button!
