this is the effect
this is the effect
the following list should be a list. When you create a new one, add an empty data to the list, and the list will automatically add a row of data.
as a rule of thumb, the addition must ensure the uniqueness of key
the following data is the data obtained by antdesign's table using columns
Click the add button to add an entry to the dataSource
array, and update it
handleAdd = () => {
const { count, dataSource } = this.state;
const newData = {
key: count,
name: `Allan ${count}`,
age: 22,
address: `China, Hangzhou. ${count}`,
dataSource: [...dataSource, newData],
count: count + 1,
if ps: is deleted, see the following
onDelete = (key) => {
const dataSource = [...this.state.dataSource];
this.setState({ dataSource: dataSource.filter(item => item.key !== key) });
Previous: The bottom input is always covered by a soft keyboard, has anyone encountered this situation?
1. Problem: when using antd s Modal.confirm, put an Input, to update the txNote property in state. But as long as there is a confirm, all you get is the previous state, instead of the updated state 2 entered in the confirm. Screenshot: 3. From...
step 1, in parent component: constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { checkState: checked , enable:true } } this.setState({ checkState: unChecked , enable:false }) step 2: before calling the subcompon...
when antd tree sets defaultExpandAll to true, it expands by default the first time it is initialized. When the tree is collapsed, the window is closed and the window is opened again, the tree remains collapsed. Then I use expandedKeys to control the nod...
how to center the numbers in the picture as a whole, but each number is aligned to the right, that is, the percent sign ...
how to implement the parity line of the Table component the color is different after hover! Beg urgently! Thank you ...
input WrappedEditStoreForm ...
I set the default check box 13, the first submission is correct, the second time, the page also checked the last submission, not configured by getCheckboxProps rendering, and then onChange this, the output is the last submission (132) + this default (13...
configure according to the official website of antd. As a result, npm start startup reported an error. I don t know why config-overrides.js package.json ...
the initial state of an asynchronously loaded tree component is as follows: treeData: +: : : : the problem is: child is not preceded by a + sign (cannot be clicked), but the status isLeaf is set to false Expand to load is expanded, hoping...
the online solution is export function getAuthority () { return localStorage.getItem ( antd-pro-authority ) | | [ admin , user ]; return localStorage.getItem ( antd-pro-authority ) | | guest ; modify here as guest. } export fu...
you can now add data to the database in the format of 1-1-1. the cascade real data can be displayed normally when editing : 1-1-1: . ...
problem description for dynamic JSX stitching of an array, there are currently three pieces of data that need to be wrapped in Row. the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried realize the dynamic generation of row ...
Table plus rowSelection check this attribute, in the case of 360 browser, dozens of data on the table scrolling up and down with the mouse has obvious delay stutter phenomenon, click check, it takes two or three seconds to respond, after the rowSelectio...
Upload when multiple is set to true, you can upload multiple files. For example, if you select 10 files to upload together, you will find that the number of requests is 10, and if I want a pop-up window to indicate whether the upload is successful or not...
problem description using the Model (pop-up window) component of antd in the React project, official document says: onCancel is a callback that clicks on the mask layer or the upper-right cross or cancel button, implying that if you need to turn off...