The elementUI event passes custom parameters while retaining the original parameters

I want to get three values at the same time in @ selection-change :

  • dynaRef (scope.row) , subset el-table reference for checkbox Simulation radio one line must be selected
  • scope.row , the data of the expanded row in the parent table, which is used to save the default selected item
  • selection , subset el-table selected
  • also modify the data in this (current vm instance) according to selection
  • .
find the custom parameter passing method through search (p)=>fn(p, "1permission, 2)
but this method has a drawback. This pointing is no longer the original vm instance. How to solve this problem?
<el-table :data="" :border="true" :stripe="true" @expand-change="expandChange">
    <el-table-column fixed type="expand" width="50">
        <template slot-scope="scope">
            <el-table :data="scope.row.quotations" :border="true" :stripe="true"
                <el-table-column type="selection" width="50"></el-table-column>
< hr >

@ zollero
