Use the command redis-dump to report an error

run redis-dump on a book developed according to python3 web crawler, as follows:
C:Userswjh > gem install redis-dump
Successfully installed redis-dump-0.4.0
Parsing documentation for redis-dump-0.4.0
Done installing documentation for redis-dump after 2 seconds
1 gem installed

C:Userswjh > redis-dump
ERROR (Errno::ENOENT): No such file or directory-ps-o rss=-p 6128

is it necessary to change to the installation directory? ask the god to solve it.


I have encountered the same problem. Have you found a solution

? open the dump.rb file under C:Ruby25-x64librubygems2.5.0gemsredis-dump-0.4.0libredis, open it with notepad, and comment out line 32 ps-o rss=-p-sharp {} .to _ I-sharp in kb with-sharp and save it.

installation is complete. Is the verification a list of 1234?
