What is the time after the interaction mode of python is turned on?


2018 2016-11-17


after I open it in the normal way, the time is inconsistent with the time of the computer. I don"t understand what this time is all about. I"d like to ask you to be here first. Thank you


time of release of the release version

Python 3.5.0 (v3.5.0:374f501f4567, Sep 13 2015, 02:27:37) [MSC v.1900 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32

version released on September 13, 2015

are you here to identify whether you have been cheated? 233333 in fact, you don't need to watch videos or anything. After learning the basics of python, go to see the common built-in functions and common packages, and then go to what direction you want to develop. Go directly to the official website. If you have a strong desire for knowledge, go to the source code. After all, python is plaintext and you can see it directly.
