Using the iview component library, font icons are not displayed

I use the iview component library (2.11.0) and follow the instructions on the official website ide/start" rel=" nofollow noreferrer ">
to use the date component, but in the local project, the font icon is not loaded, as shown in figure
this is how I introduced it:

import "iview/dist/styles/iview.css"
import "iview/dist/styles/fonts/ionicons.eot"
import "iview/dist/styles/fonts/ionicons.svg"
import "iview/dist/styles/fonts/ionicons.ttf"
import "iview/dist/styles/fonts/ionicons.woff"
import {locale, DatePicker, Upload} from "iview"
import lang from "iview/dist/locale/en-US"
// config language
Vue.component("DatePicker", DatePicker)
Vue.component("Upload", Upload)

could you tell me how to solve the problem?


style file imported? The icon of iview seems to be

implemented by css.
all you need to do is import iview.css

what is said above is true, and there are many reasons for this. It may be that some browsers block external links in static css files or are caused by cache.
just clear the browser cache

the same problem was resolved after I upgraded the iview version to 3.1.5. I hope it will be helpful to you.

since the version used is 2.11, then the version of the iview official website needs to be changed to version 2.0,
