Components in Vue are not destroyed when switching

problem description

wrote a process class application, and the templates are all reused. Suppose there are three types of template switching. If there are two identical templates in a row, the template cache will not be destroyed


related codes

the simplified code is as follows

<div id="dynamic-component-demo">
  <button v-for="tab in tabs" v-bind:key="tab" @click="currentTab = tab">{{ tab }}</button>
  <component :is="currentTabComponent" ></component>
Vue.component("tab-posts", {
  data: function() {
    return {
  template:"<div><input type="text" v-model="args"></div>",

Vue.component("tab-archive", {
  template: "<div>Archive component</div>"

new Vue({
  el: "-sharpdynamic-component-demo",
  data: {
    currentTab: "Posts",
    tabs: ["Posts", "Posts", "Archive", "Posts"]
  computed: {
    currentTabComponent: function() {
      return "tab-" + this.currentTab.toLowerCase()

switching between different components will completely destroy the previous variables. if you switch to the same component, the component will not be destroyed. Initialize the variable after each click. But the actual scene is not universal.


new Vue({
  el: '-sharpdynamic-component-demo',
  data: {
    currentTab: 'Posts',
    tabs: ['Posts', 'Posts', 'Archive', 'Posts'],
    currentTabComponent: 'tab-posts'
  computed: {
  methods: {
      changeTab (tab) {
        this.currentTab = tab
      this.currentTabComponent = ''
      this.$nextTick(() => {
          this.currentTabComponent = 'tab-' + this.currentTab.toLowerCase()
<div id="dynamic-component-demo">
  <button v-for="(tab, index) in tabs" v-bind:key="index" @click="changeTab(tab)">{{ tab }}</button>
  <component :is="currentTabComponent" ></component>

the method downstairs is better. If you report a mistake, wrap a div around button or component and you will not make a mistake


give each component a different key, so that the same components can be distinguished.

<button v-for="(tab, index) in tabs" v-bind:key="index" @click="currentTabIndex = index">{{ tab }}</button>
<component :is="currentTabComponent" :key="currentTabIndex" ></component>

new Vue({
  el: '-sharpdynamic-component-demo',
  data: {
    currentTabIndex: 0,
    tabs: ['Posts', 'Posts', 'Archive', 'Posts']
  computed: {
    currentTabComponent: function() {
      return 'tab-' + this.tabs[currentTabIndex].toLowerCase()